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New Clients

Consultation roomWelcome to Connected Chiropractic! After you call to schedule your first appointment, we’ll send an email to you with your appropriate paperwork. To save time, we encourage you to bring in the forms completed to the best of your ability. If you choose to fill them out in the office, please arrive a 15 minutes early.

The First Appointment

Allow an hour for this initial visit with Dr. Michelle. At this appointment, you will have a consultation, chiropractic exam, evaluation and X-rays if needed.


You will meet with Dr. Michelle to review your health history as well to create your vision of ideal living.


You will receive a non-invasive scan to determine your level of function and efficiency in your nerve system, and to create a baseline to work from. These examinations are done every 12 visits to determine your progress, and it aides Dr. Michelle in understanding the cause of your health challenge(s) and to create your customized Care Plan. Those scans are followed by several vitality tests to see how well your brain and your body are connecting and finally a chiropractic spinal exam to evaluate the muscles, joints, and overall tone of the spine and to locate subluxations.


It may be necessary to take X-Rays of your spine to determine the severity and complexity of the subluxation complex that is causing your problems and to rule out any pathology. To see is to know; not to see is to guess. Dr. Michelle will NOT guess about your health!

Gaining insight about your nervous system health
We will evaluate the function and balance of your neuro-spinal system. Our state-of-the-art technology helps us assess the spine and nervous system and how it is functioning. Dr. Michelle uses the noninvasive INSiGHT™ Subluxation Station which doesn’t use any radiation.

All of this information will tell us if you are a good candidate for chiropractic care and results will be presented to you on your second visit.

Cancellation Clause
There is a $50 Non-Refundable deposit for a scheduled new patient appointment. The deposit will be applied to new patient fees at the time of service. Canceled or missed appointments are non-refundable.

The Second Appointment

When you come back for this visit, Dr. Michelle will review the results of the exams and provide her recommendations. We will discuss what she discovered about your health based on your Consultation, Exams, Scans, and X-Rays (if they were taken). From there, she will provide your Customized Care Plan, which is the route for helping you to reach your goals in the most timely and cost efficient manner. We find that it’s much easier to bring your spouse/significant other with you so that they can hear what Dr. Michelle reports concerning your health. As well, it’s best when your spouse/significant other can ask questions if they so desire, directly to Dr. Michelle. Plan to spend 45-minutes at our office during this visit.

Ongoing visits

All other visits last about 5-7 minutes. We encourage clients to make chiropractic care a part of their active lifestyle. You will be checked for vertebral subluxation and if present you’ll get adjusted. It’s as simple as that.

We understand beginning chiropractic care is life changing, and we do our best to make your future visits timely and efficient allowing you to easily return to living your life! And THAT, is life-changing!!

Schedule an Appointment Today!

We are honored to partner with you for optimum living! You have come to the right place. You’ve taken the hardest step! It’s time to begin living life, Whole, Healthy, Happy, CONNECTED! Contact us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Michelle!


New Clients | (916) 624-4553